1) In BackOffice click "Tools" from main page.
2) Double click "Mix Match" icon.
3) Click "Add New" button
4) Enter Mix Match Description. Example "Gatorade 2/$3".
5) Select "Start Date"
6) Select "End Date:"
7) Remove or add check mark in "Discount odd items:"
a) if you leave the check mark then system will give discount on odd item. example if you have Gatorade 2 for $3 then system will give discount on 2nd Gatorade but not on 3rd Gatorade but on 4th Gatorade.
b) if you remove the check mark then system will give discount on every item after 2 qty.
8) Add or Remove check mark if you would like to run the discount base on time. Example if you would like to run Gatorade 2 for $3 only between 6am to 10am and only on every Monday and Tuesday then you have to high light the time frame with days.
9) Click "Save"
In above selection you only create the discount information. To enter the discount amount and qty please highlight the discount description and click "SET PRICE" in bottom of the screen.
1) Enter the "Qty:" Example if you doing Gatorade 2 for $3 then Enter "2" in to qty column.
2) Enter the "Price Each:". Example if you are doing Gatorade 2 for $3 then enter $1.50 in that column.
3) Click "Save"
Please see our "Apply Mix Match" Article for how to apply the discount on the item.